Saturday, January 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Ron!

15th January 2008

Happy Birthday ron!

We had a great dinner at Cafe Iguana. had a huge macho strawberry magaritas, was really smooth and yummy!

Gave ron his "surprised" birthday present at the same Fullerton Hotel bridge where he gave me my birthday present 4 years ago. hahaha.

Enjoyed myself a lot, hope you did too ron! :)


4th January 2008

hmm feels like I'm kinda lagging behind my friends, especially the ones whom I haven't been in contact for the whole of 4 months. Well, I understand that people essentially have moved on.

I guess it takes time. Just that..probably I expected more.
I miss my friends and the times at Bentley.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Po Po Lee!

31st December 2007

Met up with popo today..was really happy to see her!!!! the last time i saw her was February, when we went back to Nanyang to pai nian together with sihuan during Chinese New Year. It was really nice catching up with her and i really enjoy talking and going out with po :) very understanding and always checking if i needed sth so that she can go get it with me..missed the times we danced together and of course got tortured by chlorine gas..well basically hanging out with her. just realised we have known each other for almost 9 years... since sec 1 which was like when we were 13 and now we are already 21, turning 22 fast!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

1st Macs with my baby nephew Kendrick!

31st December 2008

Had my first breakfast with my family since I got back...

First visit to Macs for my baby nephew too! :)

Home Sweet Home...

1st January 2007

YAY I'M HOME!!!!!!!!! was back on the 29th haha was really really really really happy to see my family and ron at the airport!!! feels great to be home.. see familiar things and hear familiar voices! saw my nephew for the first time, he's really chubbyyy and cute!

i loooooove my room now, was really touched to hear that everyone in the family contributed to it. My grandma bought me new bedsheets, my mum cleaned up the whole room when i wasn't around, my younger brother redesigned the shelves, my uncle attached this panel of brushes under my door so that there will not be any chances that roaches will get into my room, my other uncle changed my window panes and ron rushed to my home from work the day before i came back to hang stars on my ceiling:)

it's really great to be home. great food, great weather too! haha yeah.