Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Home Sweet Home...

1st January 2007

YAY I'M HOME!!!!!!!!! was back on the 29th haha was really really really really happy to see my family and ron at the airport!!! feels great to be home.. see familiar things and hear familiar voices! saw my nephew for the first time, he's really chubbyyy and cute!

i loooooove my room now, was really touched to hear that everyone in the family contributed to it. My grandma bought me new bedsheets, my mum cleaned up the whole room when i wasn't around, my younger brother redesigned the shelves, my uncle attached this panel of brushes under my door so that there will not be any chances that roaches will get into my room, my other uncle changed my window panes and ron rushed to my home from work the day before i came back to hang stars on my ceiling:)

it's really great to be home. great food, great weather too! haha yeah.

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