Friday, December 21, 2007

Leaving Bentley...Quality not Quantity!

17th December 2007

As I shade my answer for the last question on the oas, I was really excited as my audit nightmare is finally over!!!!!! (for the time being..yeah it's ironic.. i know i applied for an auditing job and i'm digging my own grave.. hahahah) wahaha. but for now...EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!! WOOHOO. can PLAY PLAY PLAY! hmmm actually, like what ron has said.. not as if I haven't been playing the past semester. wahahha.

It was such a busy day for me today...had loads of packing to do, visited my friends in their rooms and got pics from them, went to Adamian centre for farewell tea session then had a farewell dinner and party with the rest of the exchange students.

It hasn't hit me at all that i'm leaving Bentley for good when i was packing or having the farewell tea session at Adamian with Christine..until we were leaving the tea session as we bid goodbye to Christine and the rest. it felt like the first breakfast we had when we just got to Bentley, just that now everyone was much closer..much much closer. I wouldn't have imagined that the people having breakfast with me at adamian on my first day at Bentley would be gathered with me in a group, laughing at the passport photos of our fellow exchange friends. As I thought about how our pics are gonna be removed from the board and be replaced by the incoming batch of new exchange students, honestly it started to hit me that I'm leaving.

Later in the evening, all of us met up for a farewell dinner for me and adam at a mexican restaurant at Harvard square. I was really pleasantly surprised that so many people turned up.. 2 whole loooong tables of people.. a total of 18 people! :) and my secret friend Andrea passed me my christmas present.. haha it was hilarious. this amusing book full of hunks from the 70s and 80s and everyone had a good laugh over the book. he also gave me a box of mario disk-like gums, really cute! totally love the presents. really enjoyed myself a lot at the dinner. :) so thank you my friends, especially Marta and Bernd who were the main organisers!

As usual, we went to the Austrians' room to party and drink after dinner. just that this time, it felt a little different. I know it was going to be the last time all of us are gonna be drinking together.. at least not in the near future and most importantly, the same group of people from different parts of the globe.

It was really saddening to bid goodbye to my friends one by one, both at the dinner and the party. And my dear Marta and Roci had started the ball rolling when we were on the shuttle bus.. seriously, i thought i would be able to control but my heart sank when i saw the two of them.. i can't take it when people start crying especially people close to me.. cos i'll start too. especially at such occasions. It was really upsetting saying bye.. especially to this group of friends. It's not the same as saying gdbye to my after a gathering or dinner in Singapore. We'll probably arrange to meet up again and even if we don't, we'll probably bump into each other in the tiny lil Singapore.. this wouldn't happen to people i met at Bentley.

well, i was pretty good at consoling others when it was time to separate.. Quality, not Quantity! was what i told Marta and it got to the rest too.. but at the end of the day, i still cried.. haha the third and last time i cried since i got to the states. Gonna miss the times we spent together, the whole group of us.

Never regretted coming on exchange at all.. i guess nobody does! haha.

Had a wonderful experience.. so thanks guys for being part of it!

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