Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Marta's Birthday

29th November 2007

Before our thanksgiving trip, we had already arranged with other exchange students to celebrate Marta's birthday on the thursday after thanksgiving break. got a Bentley shotglass and a birthday card for her. hahah really like the Bentley shotglass, thought it's a nice pressie esp for my friends on exchange too since it's sth Bentley :) We were supposed to have a pre-party in our room before going to Rumour, this club at Boylston street. Butttt I receieved a call from KPMG that I've got a phone interview with them at 2am my morning (which is 3pm in Singapore) and that means... I can't go clubbing! shittts. was kinda mixed up cos I didn't know what to do.. wanna play/drink but I've got an interview after that haha. that's the best situation.. an interview after partying. haha. In the end, we stayed on and had a birthday party in our room, which turned out real fun too! most importantly, marta was happy and was dancing the whole night! And I had my interview..15 minutes after the party. wOoo.

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