Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Thanksgiving break in Canada

25th November 2007
Our trip to Canada over thanksgiving break was really enjoyable. At the end, everyone felt great and happy about the trip, which I felt is the most important. The group of us went to Toronto first then to Montreal. and well, a lot of people have asked me the same question.. where is nicer? Toronto or Montreal? I would say the people at Toronto is much nicer and probably this is biased since we stayed over at Marta's uncle's place.

It was a really hospitable family and uncle & auntie really took care of us, like cooking rice on the first day we arrive (knowing that we'll prefer that), subsequently coming up with difference menu in order to let us try different Polish food, arranging spaces within the house so that we have a proper bed to sleep on, bringing us to Niagara Falls and waitied for us for like 4 hours???, warming up our car, getting all the snow off it and making sure that we have enough petrol before we leave for Montreal on the last day. and that's just some of the things they did for us..

so thanks Uncle and Auntie and also Marta for inviting us to yr uncl'es place! really appreciate it!

As for Montreal, I would say the place is nicer..the buildings and the whole atmosphere. it's like a mini france there, everything was in french. I guess probably cos it was all in french, it was slightly harder for us to figure things out and go around at the beginning. but things turned out fine in the end...like after i made a fool of myself several times. haha. we were buying tickets for Biodome and the Olympic Tower and i asked a real silly question "what's the difference between the Olympic tour and Olympic tower?" haha. the lady at the counter looked at me and smile.. really awkwardly.. and said "tour is tower in french.." haha. yeah. oops. but at least now i know tour is tower! hahaha.

The hotel we stayed at in Montreal was also real cosy. price is more or less equivalent to hostel but the facilities are so much better! we had our own bathroom, tv (Canada has really "interesting" progs at night that got the guys really excited hahaha) and two double beds. the ppl there were nice too, very approachable and willing to help. it was a really good deal! so thanks Pia and Daniel for recommending that to us!


First night @ Uncle's place
21th Nov
Subsequently, dinner always lasted for at least 4 hours every night..
we always end up drinking and some of our guys never failed to get tipsy..haha

22nd Nov
My first snowfight!!!!

@ the CN Tower...

yeah the date on my camera somehow srewed up..think it was too cold. haha was kinda upset about the stupid date cos it totally spoiled the picture but I learnt to get over small things like that especially after Hong Kong and move on! :)

Downtown @ night...

My first snowflake!

23rd Nov
Before leaving for Niagara Falls..WooHoo!
In the car..
Niagara Falls!!!!! yAyyyyy!!!

We celebrated Marta's birthday at night, which was also the last night before leaving for Montreal. so we bought some gifts for Uncle and Auntie...had two surprises in a row, thought our lil plans worked pretty well! :)

haha. yup that's Uncle!

24th November
@ Biodome & Olympics Tour

In Biodome which is an indoor zoo with four ecosystems. The temperature changes as we move from one ecosystem to another. haha not funny when we were wearing so many layers!

Maurice and I in the lil kids tunnel

Montreal @ night...

Downtown Montreal

25th Nov

@ Mont Royal.. apparently it's a really popular makeout spot in Montreal!

@ the BioSphere

I enjoyed myself a lot over thanksgiving..a really great trip. so jengkuyang guys.. for being part of that! :)

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