Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Watertown & Basketball Match

28th Nov 2007

I skipped lessons again.. yeah again today. hahah that's the good thing about exchange. you dont have to care.. much. wahahaha. I wouldn't say I don't care at all about classes here... it's just not me to not care about things in general totally, but it's definitely a lot less than what I do back at ntu. Anw I missed classes to go to Watertown with Adam and Cindy, partly cos I'm lazy to go for classes and partly cos I wanted to find materials to make a photo frame for Marta. Thought it'll be nice to give her sth in addition to her birthday present, to thank her for inviting us over to her uncle's place over thanksgiving. As usual, I get really excited about buying these materials and started thinking about what to do with me. Made the present with Cindy the next day and i really like it a lot! :)

After coming back from Target, I joined Marta and Ida (from Denmark) to catch a bball match- Bentley vs AIC at Dana centre in the evening today. haha and oh man, some of the guys are huggge. wanted to take some pics but forgot my camera. damn it. haha. really really really wanted to catch a NBA match and take some pics for Wilsen (I remember lor!), almost got the tickets for Boston Celtics when they sold them at Bentley. it's pretty good cos these tickets are subsidized by the school, like the ones I got for Boston Bruins match. shitts. Anw, back to the Bentley match... it was a good game with a pretty tight margin and Bentley won in the end. All of us got a free bball blizzard shirt which was pretty good :) but as usual, the shirt is too big for me! lol.

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