Tuesday, December 4, 2007

An ok saturday..

10th November 2007

Didn't do much today.. just bummed around. went to kelly's room to take a look at the "forest maze", wasn't that confusing actually. played bingo which was organised by one of the clubs. well, not much luck as usual for such games. the prizes were reall attractive though.. like an ipod nano.."how about that?!?" hahahaha. that's my auditing prof's favourite phrase.

probably u can figure out how bored i was..

After which, we went to watch a vball match at Dana Centre. After watching for one game, guess what? we realised that bentley wasn't playing. haha. well done. That afternoon itself, Bentley lost in the semi finals so later in the evening, the game that we were watching was actually the finals between two other schools, no Bentley. haha. it was hilarious.

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