Wednesday, December 5, 2007

GB 401 Presentation

4th December 2007

Had my first presentation at Bentley today for GB 401 final project. yeah the thought of presentation.. it's a total turn off. cos there's so much preparation to do and on top of that, you've gotta stand in front of a crowd, with people staring at you like you're on exhibition. hahaha okok probably it's not that bad but it's... just a pain to know that you've a presentation to do. ok enough complaining..

Manalova gave the presenting groups an option to choose their presenters.. in other words, not everyone in the group has to present. haha. WooHoo! no presentation! that was of course my first reaction.. and all i have to do is to volunteer myself out of the presenting people and offer to do the slides. haha. but i was too slow. before i know it, 2 other people have already "volunteered" and people just started rattling on and on about how their tongues get tied and how they'll hyperventilate and how they'll this and how they'll that when they present. you get what i mean. haha totally changed my impression of the "outspoken" americans. well, while i very much wanted to volunteer myself out of the presenting group, i thought it'll be good if i just freaking present. since it's my one and only presentation here at Bentley and it's a good chance to experience talking in front of a class of american students. that's what exchange is for! to experience.

the presentation turned out pretty good, quite smooth.. thought our group did well :)

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