Sunday, December 9, 2007

Skiiiiiiiiing... WeEeEeeee~~~

8th December 2007

After a whole night of partying in my room, I still got up to go skiiing at Pats Peak with Kelly. haha i was the only crazy one to wake up after a whole night of drinking and puking and going to bed at 4am. I guess cos i haven't tried skiing so I was real determined to go with Kelly. haha.

It was a total disaster at first. both of us didn't know how to ski at all. my legs didn't feel like they were mine.. i'll start sliding forward without having a clue as to how to control at all and most importantly, i didn't know how to brake. should have listened to adam and done some reading on that.. haha thought the two of us were pretty brave, we went down this steep slope and both of us did exactly the same thing when we realised we were going way too fast.. we sat down on our bums to brake and end up spinning before we totally come to a stop. it was hilarious but painful at the same time of course. I even crashed into the wooden fences while trying to get to the lil hut where we left our belongings and my blades got stuck in the snow, got myself in a real awkward position and also the unnecessary attention. haha finally, after some guidance from Kelly's uncle's friend, we learnt how to brake and managed get a hang of it.. was soooo happy when i came down the slope without falling and braking in time before i crash again. haha. i guess the blue blacks after that were all worth it!! :)

After skiing, Kelly's uncle invited me over to their place for dinner. tried some shanghainese home cooked food for the first time.. think i ate dried duck's tongue or sth like that.. haha it was pretty good:) kinda chewy. hee. I really missed home cooked food! Kelly's uncle and auntie were really nice and i had a gd chat with her auntie who knew quite a bit about Singapore. really looooove my saturday!

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