Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Happy Convocation!

22nd July 2008

Yayyy!! Graduate lo!!

I was really ecstatic about graduation today! Happy that my mum was present at the ceremony to witness the conferment of my degree, to be really proud of her daughter and most importantly, see that her relentless efforts all these years had not gone
down the drain.

I'm also happy that all of us graduated together, including my dear roommate oppp! haha was especially :):):) for her. hehe I remember telling her that I wanna graduate with her when she told me she gonna cui for exams in our last semester. During my three years in uni, I was really fortunate and happy to have known so many people, especially friends who have given me fond memories of my three years in NTU.

I was lucky to have a group of friends, my tutorial classmates, who stayed with me, almost throughout my whole time in NTU. In our first semester, we were assigned to the same tutorial group for almost every module and had lessons together. As freshmen in university, trust me, that really helped immensely. Eventually, we continued to plan our lessons together, went for lectures, classes, lunches and sometimes dinner together; rushed through countless projects with which the deadlines never failed to clash haha! Besides the stress and exams, we also found a common love for kbox, our favourite post-exam activitiy! The most memorable thing we did together was having steamboat on Valentine's day at the balcony outside ah chiew's room. When all others were out, I had a group of friends who stayed with me in school. For all of that and much more unexplained, thank you kingdomites!:) -Pet hamster/twin sister


Our class grad pic...

Sophia and I at Convo!

Soph and I went on exchange in our final year second last sem. haha but we didn't go for that together, she went to hk while I was in the states. We spent most of our school time together in the very last sem and I gotta thank her for lending me her ears as the last sem wasn't easy at all! so thankss babe!

SMS a busss! that's one real unforgettable project, one real unique experience too! I have 4 other special friends who met up with me on a sunday night to prepare the props and deco we needed for our monday's presentation and guess what? we eventually turned a tutorial class into a bus! haha. yeah that's a lil what we call in NTU "spoil market", but it was damn fun too! My one and only time in NTU that I had to do such huge props! Although it's only one module which lasted one sem, marketing definitely brought the 5 of us closer and bonded us real well. For that one business idea which we had definitely put our hearts into it and could have had made us milllionaires, thank you Steven, Yangyan, Yinghan and Lawrence!

How can I forget people who have taken care of me when I fell sick, bought dinner for me when I'm too lazy to step out of my room, jogged 179 route with me at 1am in the morning, had supper at ah fang, played for IB and IH games together, studied and kept me company in MPR till as late as 4am during the exam period, celebrated birthdays by pouring buckets and buckets of water down our block at the birthday boy/girl, jumped from room to room to disturb people and played mahjong with water and liqueur... haha yeah those were some of the great memories, without our parents, just me and my friends in Hall 7. Yup, basically these friends lived with me for the two years I stayed in hall 7. so thanks OPPPP (my super teh but caring and patient ex-roomie), Yipz, Vivien, Jingqi, Cheng, Shit, Toi, Chun, Jasmine, Fiona, Qiao Qing, Ai Ling!

my teh roomie for you! haha.

Uni life was also more fun for me as I have this group of wonderful og mates who were the very first people I met in NBS. yah and they just couldn't stop calling me yipa! hahah yup that's my always-so-lame group of friends who would freeze after I try telling them a lame joke. hahaha KK's really damn good at lame jokes. maybe it's the face la.. hahaha. Allan is forever laughing at me cos I just happen to be slightly, just slightly meatier than him. And Hui shan, who's as blur as me, always never fails to go "HuiYiiiiiiiiiiiii" whenever she sees me (and her eyes will turn into tiny lil slits hahaha) oh! how can i forget my tall, dark and... sporty Naipa (it's a long story why I call him that!) who's ever so on about all the gatherings, joins in the lame-ness, has really BIG actions when he cheers and always helping us unconditionally at the expense of his own study time when we were struggling with work. For all the fun-lovingly lame and exam-piaing times we had, thank you KK, Allan, Huishan and Naipa!

Gonna miss the times we spent together in school!

Back in nanyang, I have a really great budd whom I've been keeping in contact with for ever since we left sec school. She came down all the way to NTU just to take photos with me, gave me a real bright lollipop, be my personal photographer, helped out in any way she could for me at my convo and really feel happy for me. Thanks Vennie, really appreciate that!

Well, today's convocation was particularly special, since it's not like we're moving on to another phase in our studies. This graudation marks the end of our schooling days. ya maybe we'll do our masters later, but i guess it wouldn't be in the near future and it's certainly not gonna be same I guess. Probably that's why it was especially important to me.

Now that we've gone separate ways to pursue, what we deemed as, our "dreams", and move on to the next phase in our lives, I hope everyone can realize what they have been searching for in life.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Once in a decade!

19th July 2008

The last time I saw some of them was probably the last day at Moulmein Primary, when we collected our PSLE results, when we were.. 12. A decade ago. haha omg, that sounded reallyyy long ago, or rather, it was really that long ago. Although there were only 13 of us, it was nice to see everyone and hear from everybody, about what they are doing now and what they had gone through at a certain point in life, all in the last 10 years. haha I'm really a big scatterbrain, could hardly remember things! was really impressed with people like Tian Loong, who could still remember our house phone numbers, at his fingertips!

We talked about our primary school days, about how Miss Chew insisted on ball point pens and cursive writing, which had become really useful now; how we stayed back after school to paint props for National Day performance, which Miss Chew had "unwittingly" volunteered our class for; how we get so excited when we went for computer class and use the Creative Writer to type out our essays, in which lil icons would appear for certain common words (like if you type "apple", a picture of an apple will appear! haha), how we attended swimming classes in Primary 4 with Bobby(I just gotta know that I was quite a naughty kid when it comes to swimming, haha the first thing that Hoiman said was "ya lor! Hui Yi will keep splashing water!) hehe; how we painstakingly collected the different seeds, one of the many activities that you have to complete, just to earn the Young Botanist badge and how Tian Loong admitted that he, conveniently, took his neighbour's work which easily earned him a Young Mathematician badge (we were certainly proud about these badges which we would pin on our collars, the more the merrier!) There was also the Annual Speak-English Campaign, when we would go around to "catch" people who speaks other language than English but somehow end up "trading" or giving never ending last chances. haha

We also had a fun time recollecting about the people like how Yit Chun was really good at art; how Gan Zhi wei would write a 10 page long essay with his indecipherable handwriting; how Ben Woon told Mrs Tan, our Chinese teacher, that ants would become "chao ta" (charred) if you were to put them on a pan (re guo shang de ma yi). Besides classmates or schoolmates, our conversation also revolved around, mainly, the mothers, the sisters and brothers. haha. we used to visit each other's place, since we really stayed very close to one another in Whampoa, and so naturally, knew the mothers, sisters and brothers. haha. It was nice to know that the younger brothers and sisters, who used to be toddlers or lil kids, are all know in secondary school or jcs; the mothers, who used to take care of us when we visit, are all doing well and healthy.

Yup those were really the days, when we would play hopscotch and five stones during recess and buy ice cream at mama shops on our way home after school. the truly young and innocent days. All of us have grown up and moved on to different stages in life, but we all remembered that there was one long phase that we shared, one that we start to learn about people around us and memories start to etch in our minds.

All of us!

As time passes and memories fade, it was indeed sweeeet to revisit those precious moments again, especially with people who had experienced them with you:)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


8th July 2008

It really did hit me that leaving was much harder than going over, but I definitely had no regrets flying 21, 640 miles over the pacific ocean :) I certainly had a great time with Ron, be it doing simple things like cooking dinner, grocery shopping or real exciting stuff like taking the six flags acrophobia ride! :)

Of course I didn't forget the rest like Pris, Ben, Sam and Marc who made my stay at Fort Rucker a more fun and fulfilling one. A lot of people have told me that Alabama's boring and there's really nothing to do there. Well, I can't deny that it really doesn't have much there, but these friends really made it different!

The view outside the plane

Monday, July 14, 2008

Where Dreams Come True...

24th-29th June 2008

Hollywood studios, Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom and Epcot!

We visited 4 theme parks over 4 days, 4 solid days of Disney. What more can I ask for? :)

Ron wasn't scheduled to fly for a week, totally the perfect timing. one week of no-flying.. in my 4 weeks stay! hee and he immediately planned a trip to Orlando Disneyworld. yeah I've gotta admit that I'm one lucky-lucky-lucky girl! One, for having a boyfriend who really dotes on me. Two, there are 4 Disneylands in this world and I visited 3 within a year. And three, out of the disneys I've visited, 2 were with Ron. sweeet :) That explains why I'm a lucky-lucky-lucky girl! haha. Well, my very first visit to Disney with Ron didn't turn out as planned, but the second one definitely made up for it; made it real complete and memorable :)

Being in Disney really makes you feel like a kid, like.. revisitng your childhood again. young and innnocent! haha. Oh well, I wouldn't know how it feels like to visit Disney as a kid, haha didn't have the luxury of doing so, but I am pretty certain about one thing: kids would definitely love the place! I mean even adults do too! We were all once a kid, and every kid once grew up knowing Mickey, for sure! haha.

Disneyworld Day 1: Hollywood Studios

Tower of Terror really scared me!

Snow white and a lil dwarf!

One of the must-see shows in Disney!

When the lil green soldiers come alive...

Disneyworld Day 2: Magic Kingdom


Magic Kingdom at night...

Disneyworld Day 3: Animal Kingdom

One of my fav photos taken


I love this too!

Disneyworld Day 4: Epcot
waiting for bus at Downtown Disney...
One of the Disney resorts...
