Monday, July 14, 2008

Where Dreams Come True...

24th-29th June 2008

Hollywood studios, Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom and Epcot!

We visited 4 theme parks over 4 days, 4 solid days of Disney. What more can I ask for? :)

Ron wasn't scheduled to fly for a week, totally the perfect timing. one week of no-flying.. in my 4 weeks stay! hee and he immediately planned a trip to Orlando Disneyworld. yeah I've gotta admit that I'm one lucky-lucky-lucky girl! One, for having a boyfriend who really dotes on me. Two, there are 4 Disneylands in this world and I visited 3 within a year. And three, out of the disneys I've visited, 2 were with Ron. sweeet :) That explains why I'm a lucky-lucky-lucky girl! haha. Well, my very first visit to Disney with Ron didn't turn out as planned, but the second one definitely made up for it; made it real complete and memorable :)

Being in Disney really makes you feel like a kid, like.. revisitng your childhood again. young and innnocent! haha. Oh well, I wouldn't know how it feels like to visit Disney as a kid, haha didn't have the luxury of doing so, but I am pretty certain about one thing: kids would definitely love the place! I mean even adults do too! We were all once a kid, and every kid once grew up knowing Mickey, for sure! haha.

Disneyworld Day 1: Hollywood Studios

Tower of Terror really scared me!

Snow white and a lil dwarf!

One of the must-see shows in Disney!

When the lil green soldiers come alive...

Disneyworld Day 2: Magic Kingdom


Magic Kingdom at night...

Disneyworld Day 3: Animal Kingdom

One of my fav photos taken


I love this too!

Disneyworld Day 4: Epcot
waiting for bus at Downtown Disney...
One of the Disney resorts...


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