Tuesday, July 1, 2008


14th June 2008

We had a Singapore-Vs-America paintball game today at Hot Shots. haha I have always heard people complaining that paintball is "pain" but i never knew that it was that extreme! I had blue-blacks on my back, hips and legs! Pris and I suffered headshots (I had one on each side of my head!) and man, it was damn paintful and painful! hahaha. Pris and I, being the only two girls on our side, were freaking out initially when we played but it definitely got better.. just stick out the guns out and keep shooting! hahaha.

Gearing up..

Having second thoughts?

Ready for Battle!

In the Jungle..

oh! and I loved the last game! haha although our side was wiped out totally by the Americans.. haha yeah we died totally! all of us stupidly hid in one house together. how smart right. hahaha. but i was damn happy cos i whacked the guy who shot Pris on the back (really without mercy! basket. haha) a few times! hehe.


well, i guess the paintful pain or painful paint was worth it overall!

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