Sunday, June 1, 2008

Family Outings!

It's really exciting to have a baby in the family! Feels really different, a joy that everyone in the family shares. Everyone in the family dotes on lil botak! we all get excited about bringing him everywhere to see everything haha and thanks to the lil baby, we definitely have more family outings as my mummy (his grandmother) is more willing to step out of the house, bring him around for sightseeing! Maybe he doesn't know much for now and probably not gonna remember anything, but no matter what, it's always good to bring him around than stay at home huh! Maybe.. he may rem sth! We never know! hee.

Visit to farms, 20th May 2008
We had a family outing today, impromptu outing! it just so happened that my sis-in-law was on leave and everybody else had nothing on. haha visited two places- Qian Hu and the goat farm. It was weird visiting Qian Hu itself cos i know it as a listed company, sth we'll talk about in tutorial class..never occurred to me that it's gonna be a place where i'll actually visit. hahah. well, it turned out fun!

Guess whose feet are these? :)

we went on to the goat farm.

hahaha was really excited about drinking the goat milk!

the baby goats were really cute!

Vivocity Marche, 16th May 08
We brought our lil hamburger, also known as "Botak" in the family, to Vivo today for a swim. haha. ya he doesn't respond to Kendrick, he only responds to "botak" or "Ah B" (baBy)! Don't know if that's good or not. oh well, I grew up as "Ah mei" in the family, definitely not Hui Yi :) And I grew up normal. erm right? hahaha

Happy botak in the water

Happy grandma!

"I want moreeee!" -Doremon

In Marche..

Doremon papa and mama?

Milk for you? haha

Sentosa, 30th May 08
It's my sis-in-law's birthday today. haha! "We bring botak to go and see Merlion!" wahahhaa. Yet another excuse to get the grandmother out of the house, to go Sentosa together! hahaha. and since it was the June holidays, we also got Edness and Edgar to come along. We had lotsa fun at underwater world, Siloso beach and not to forget the luge!

haha that's what you do when you see a shark!

How's my smile?

Haha acting "dao"..

I lovvvve this pic!

And I thought i was the only one who'll do such a thing!

Like mother like daughter!


At the snaky fountain leading to the merlion...


Even Botak was amused!

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