Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What an achievement!

10th June 2008

Decided to post some pics I took during my transits in Tokyo and Detroit. haha. thought it may be a significant entry for me. haha

For this trip, I did all the check-in myself and went through the gates alone, for the first time and most importantly without anyone seeing me off! thought that's better since I can't bear to see people close to me cry. I'll join them too. haha my family wanted to go to the airport with me but all of them knocked out by 2am after playing cards for 4 whole hours. Didn't managed to stay up and send me to the airport as planned but the thought of it was good enough for me. I didn't wake all of them up, only woke my mummy up to let her know that I was leaving.

was surely amused by the toilets in Tokyo!

Well, maybe it doesn't sound like something fantastic but it's a total achievement for me! haha flying across the pacific ocean alone to the states for yet again another 26 hours! this time round, without Adam to help me of course. hee. yeah a whole day of flying indeed sounds like a torture but it turned out pretty fine. Met nice people along the way, had a full conversation in pure Chinese for as long as 11 hours on my flight from Tokyo to Detroit. Trust me, it wasn't easy! I didn't even know how to address the couple from Beijing initially, auntie uncle? hahaha. had a part time 11 hours translation job on the plane too. This couple was gonna visit their daugher in Ohio, who's gonna go into labour in probably 2-3 weeks time. Both of them were brimming with excitement and couldn't stop looking at the time whenever they were awake on the plane! haha felt happy for them since I've got a baby nephew at home as well and I guess we do have something in common: I couldn't wait to see ron at the airport too!!! hee.

Pretty huh?

At Detroit, memories of getting detained (not nice but still an experience!) and going around the airport with Adam flooded my head. It was a nice feeling, to see this place again. Fortunately, this time round, I managed to clear the US customs smoothly. hee hee. Really learnt my lesson: Forget something and get into deep shit. haha. As I've some time to spare, I waited for the couple and helped them with the collection of their luggage. I walked them to the gate leading to the arrival hall and we parted from there. Feels pretty happy with myself, like I've done something small but good.

After another 2 hours of domestic flight, I finally got to Atlanta!!! yayyyyy!! haha was simply over the moon when I saw ron! haha well, it wasn't as drama mama as I expected it to be.. was a lil lost when I got out of the airport, stared at the luggage collection screen for as long as I was out (haha by then I had totally switched off), gave up looking for the belt to collect my luggage, turned around and saw these two Chinese guys (so distinct! hee) walking towards the arrival gates. hahaha

I slept well almost the entire way back to Alabama, feeling completely safe and at ease.

Thanks for coming to fetch me with Ron Marc!

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