Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Life in the states again!

10th June 2008

It has almost been a week since I got to Fort Rucker, Alabama, to visit Ronald Loh.

haha yeah some people may think that I'm silly enough to travel half the globe, alone, and suffer jet lag the past almost-one-week since I've got here, just to spend time with him, which in the eyes of some of my friends, it's total "rotting".

Well, it may not be as exciting as my previous trip here when I was on exchange in Boston and may not be the smartest thing to do. It also may not be one of those decisions that my mum will unquestioninly go ok and smile instantly to express her support for it.

BUT when will I ever have the time to do such crazy things again?

"I'm going to the states next week! wooHoo!"

(Ya probably doesn't sound like something huiyi will do.. this is so irrational. haha oh well, can't be so rational and practical all the time.)

Maybe...when I'm off from work? probably on a 3 weeks block leave after the "peak" period? ya probably, hopefully too. Even so, it wouldn't be as carefree. No deadlines? No calls from work? No reminders on my calendar? No something nagging at the back of your head? Like what my jie mei said, when are you gonna be so damn free again in your life? like really nothing to worry about!

No matter what, I'm really glad that I came to the states. Gotta know so much more. Him, his work, friends, myself and most importantly us. Was really thankful that my family became supportive of it, some of the other friends who understood me and of course loh ming yao who was really more than concerned throughout the whole time before I came here!

You better treasure it well Tan Hui Yi! haha

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