Saturday, November 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Bernd & Daniel!

9th November 2007

Bernd's birthday's on the 7th November while Danie's falls on 9th November. haha just two days difference. So we all gathered and had a mini celebration for them tonight.

We met at an Irish pub to drink but stupid me didn't bring my passport so I didn't get to go in the end. yeah it's really strict here with drinking. was so irritated with myself. stupid girl. haha. felt exactly like the time when I went clubbing with Pyrite and I forgot to bring my IC as well. feel bad too as Marta came back to Bentley with me and we waited for the rest to be back from the pub so that we would continue the celebration in their room.

When we were on the bus, I was still very irritated with myself. haha and I wanna do something about it. so on our way back, I thought of getting a cake so that we can sing them a bday song. but obviously the shops were closed by then. it was already like almost midnight! we managed to buy brownies and searched everywhere for birthday candles. asked loads of pple like Ness and Wei when we met them at the student centre but no luck at all. thought of alternatives like light sticks and all but can't find them as well. Even thought of putting a straw on the cake instead and ask them to blow it. haha. it's a joke we had when we went on the Philadelphia trip together. we ended up knocking on doors in Boylston and finally managed to find tealight candles in Henry's room! haha really made my night!

We managed to give Bernd and Daniel a surprise and we had a nice & cosy celebration in their room.

Glad to see that they enjoyed themselves and were happy! :)

Outside the bar while waiting for Bernd and Daniel

The group of them in the pub.. without me. boo. haha stupid me.

When Marta and I came in with the birthday brownies

Birthday presents..Bentley shot glasses!

Sacher Cake from Hotel Sacher, Vienna.
Daniel's parents sent the cake all the way from Austria. Tasted really good!
All of us!
From left: Bernd, Sabina, Cindy (Indo/Singapore), Rocio, me, Daniel, Antonio, Martin, Adam, Cindy (Shanghai)

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