Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Just some simple thoughts..

7th November 2007

I was just talking to Bernd about posting a "Half Time" entry on the blog just a few weeks ago. Before I knew it, it's so much more than half time now cos it's already November. Well, if someone asks me if I would like to go home a month ago, I would honestly and probably say maybe not.. cos I haven't had enough fun and experience. If I were to be asked the same question now, I would be more inclined towards saying a yes...not that I have had enough fun or I have experienced US totally becos there will never be such a thing as "enough fun", just that you start to miss getting pissed off when your mom nags at you or simply having rice on the dining table.

My day definitely brightens up more whenever I talked to my mom over the phone or I get a missed call or a message from a familiar number that starts with +65 :) Especially with the arrival of my baby nephew, the more I thought I should be at home. I know I know.. I should be making the best out of my exchange here, which I am still doing definitely! just felt like putting down some thought here. In case, people who have been reading my blog think that I'm having soooo much fun that I'm not missing home, the fact is.. I do! haha.

I gotta say that coming for an exchange programme really gave me time and I learnt to take time.. take time to think more and notice things or people around me.

I have to admit that I lead a really busy life back in Singapore. Come to think about it now, I was really a workahlic.. probably a very serious case. haha. Always always rushing for time.. Going for classes, trying to do tutorials, meeting up for projects, doing up reports, shuttling all over singapore for tuition (probably this is exaggerated but I admit that I did have like too many tuition kids. haha), taking part in school or hall activities, gathering with friends (and they never fail to clash!)..and most importantly, I gotta make sure that my family and boyfriend do not feel neglected. haha. Well, I wouldn't say that I was that successful in giving a balance in of the above and..I guess that's not the point I'm trying to make here.

Especially the last few days, I took time off.. to think about what I have been missing out amidst all those commitments and attempts to meet a certain deadline or time frame so that none of my commitments was left out. I didn't have time to really think of myself and do things that I would like to do when I'm free. Here, I do "time-outs".. Back in Singapore, I'll probably be trying to squeeze every single free "slots" that I have in my organizer. I seldom take the chance to stop, look and think more about people around me. I mean I do... but definitely less of what I'm doing now.

One good example would be my roommates. There is a chinese saying that going out with a person is definitely easy but living with that same person can be a different story. And that's when you learn to give and take. I gotta say that I've been a really lucky girl so far cos Im blessed to have very accomodating and understanding roommates. Back in singapore, it was OP! (Op p p p!) haha. and here it was Marta.

Just the other day, Marta was taking a nap at night and asked me to wake her up an hour later like at 2am. This reminded me of how I would ask OP to wake me up at night too so that I can get up and continue my "workaholism" and it kinda made me miss her. haha. OP is definitely not the best at housekeeping but I do appreciate the little things she has done for me.. like coming back to hall the next day when she finished her exams just to buy lunch for me cos I was still having mine. It just makes you forget totally how she doesn't sweep the floor. haha. And how she emails and messages me especially at the beginning of my exchange here to make sure that things are going smoothly for me and I have enough clothes on cos the weather here can get quite cold. While I'm certainly not a person who tehs or want people to teh me, I kinda miss her tehing and tehing voice for once! haha. And the times that we would close our room door to have lil chats and realise that we share the same sentiments about certains things that we saw or heard in the day. so.. I really hope I can be back in time to watch her first performance at Tao restaurant :)

Here, I met Marta. (haha sounds like I met my husband or sth...) I gotta say that we have the same frequency in the way we think and react to things and I truly enjoy talking to her. I could talk to Marta about anything and everything under the sun, knowing that she will understand where I'm coming from. If I'm doing sth that she doesn't like or deem is wrong, she's always so honest to tell me "Huiiii, stop it.. it's not good for you!" haha. yeah like popping my knuckles. I always get it from her. I guess only friends who care would truthfully point out your flaws and tell you what you should not be doing. Not going for halloween party was definitely disappointing, but I was glad cos I gotta know two of my friends better. Marta was one of them, the other was my son. Yeah most importantly, we love playing sports and most of the time we are jioing people, mostly the exchange students, to play bball on thursday. It's great fun. The thought of having people from all over the world on the same court is just.. lovable.

So think. when was the last time you took stop and took time off to simply.. think.

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