Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Love from Home!

6th November 2007

Sigh..it's so dark and gloomy today, with the incessant showers all day long. just wont stop raining. And the day turns dark so early cos of winter.

haha I sound so grumpy now. But I was happy too cos one thing really made my day today. I received a letter and got really excited over it and showed Marta the pictures and was busy adding them to the collection on my wall and here I am now blogging about it. haha.

Welllll.. I really appreciate the fact that he puts in the effort to write letters and print out the photos for me. Now I fully understand what Yipz meant when she blogged about how excited she got when she received letters back in Gao Xiong.. cos I'm experiencing that too now. Not that I didn't experience it when I recieved the previous letter.. just that I felt it more this time round. haha I know we have things called skype, msn and hotmail but there's definitely something more that comes with writing a letter- it has a personal touch and a unique font, certainly not Times New Roman or Arial.. haha it's a handwriting I recognise since almost 4 years ago when we were in JC. And yeah probably we would have talked about the things mentioned in the letter over the phone, way before it reaches me.. but it's just nice. Nice to see something in my letter box, something that surprises me, something to read, knowing that he has written on it and something that I find familiar and don't get to see everyday in this foreign place.

so..Thank you loh ming yao! :)

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