Sunday, November 18, 2007

My first time...driving into Boston!

16th November 2007

During our discussion about our Canada trip, I realised that I've to drive for sure. haha not driving for the past few months is one issue, driving on the opposite side of the road is another. haha. so of course I started feeling a lil jittery. Moreover, I always believe in nothing else but driving my own family car. it's just the whole issue of what happens if this or that are you going to answer to your friend who owns the car? yeah. but in this case, I gotta make an exception to that since the journey to Canada is gonna be crazy, especially over thanksgiving break. the worst case scenario would be 17 hours with all the traffic jams and going through customs. SO..we couldn't possibly make Cindy drive alone. it's gonna be dead tiring and furthermore, she just got her license recently. Fortunately we have 4 ppl in the car who can drive so that's pretty good.

Having a lil hiccup with the bus tickets, we decided to drive straight to South Station (where the tour bus terminals and ticket booths are) after the discussion. Cindy suggested that I drive into Boston and Adam will drive back to give us some practice. haha. turned out pretty good, just that I was a lil disoriented driving on the left seat and confused in my turnings. haha. It was really helpful having Cindy and Adam remind me about directions while I concentrate on getting used to the road.

Honestly, planning for a trip is not easy and it's a lot more difficult when the group is big. gotta admit that it can be frustrating at times. haha. Hmm actually this doesn't only apply for trips, i guess it applies to anything.. project meeting, gathering or simply buying a... sofa. whatever. whenever there are more people, there's bound to be more opinion. definitely, it can be a good thing, since with different opinions, you can look at things from another angle:) but too much of that is unhealthy. ppl get confused. hahaha like me. as always.

Gotta praise my lil son for volunteering to take the tour bus, instead of Marta who wanted to take the tour bus initially, since there are 6 of us going together so it's not likely that we can all fit into car. Thought that was pretty thoughtful to consider that it's not safe for a girl to do that at all. Also, Marta and Cindy rushing to New York overnight to get their visas done so that the trip to Canada can finally materialise.

anyway anyway i'm really glad everything turned out fine, like the mentality and attitude of the present group and..

woOoHooo Toronto and Montreal here we come!!!

It's the attitude that matters.

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