Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bentley Gathering

13th May 2008

was really happy to meet Adam and Cindy for dinner today. i do see Adam around in school and had met Cindy once for coffee. this time feels kinda different seeing them together, like you see familiar faces in a "foreign" land, since we really got to know each other in the states. we had a good time catching up with one another. Cindy had found a job while Adam is on his internship.

well, it's not sth new to know that working life is stressful and perhaps, to such extent that leads to weight loss, but it's definitely sth that's starting to hit me- that I'm going to join her soon. haha. I've always put that aside since we are not at that stage.. yet. It's a really different side of life. we were having so much fun in the states just less than a year ago, enjoying all the freedom that we've got; now, we are all starting work and pretty much complaining about how shitty it's gonna be.

About the same time last year,I met up with Adam for the first time (which he kinda freaked me out! wahahaha) to discuss about our exchange after my first day of internship. haha a year later, we met up on his second day of internship. The same stage, just a year's difference. oh well. time really flies. The batch of people (yeah after vanessa) going to Bentley the next semester have contacted the two of us. haha 4 consecutive batch from Hall 7. Pass the parcel on to the Singaporeans! :)

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