Friday, May 9, 2008

My Birthday Treat to Bangkok!

2nd - 5th may 2008

Shopping shopping and more shopping!!!! feels like this trip was more for me, since there wasn't a lot of things for ron to buy.. there weren't that many guy shops in the first place, especially around our hotel. we stayed in baiyoke boutique, it was okayy haha not that fantastic.. breakfast wasn't that good either.. hahaha we were kinda disappointed with it, but well we definitely didn't let that spoil our holiday!

haha ron was really patient to go around with me especially when we were at Pratunum, really... it's a girl's shopping paradise, probably can spend like 2 whole days shopping there? haha i guess ron had a different kind of fun, taking pictures with his new toy.. wahaha I enjoyed that too! haha it's pretty amusing. it sounds damn pro when we click and we are always snapping away when we have the chance to!

The ride on the tutut was fun! hee. was having fun more than worrying about falling off.. it can get pretty scary since it could go really near to the cars and cut lane like mad.. actually.. there were no defined lanes to begin with. haha. i guess the good thing about taking the tutut, besides it's something "new" to us, is its ability to cut into small alleys which possibly saved some time. gotta really bargain with the drivers, if not we'll really be ka-ed (taken advantage of) hahaha.

Us- in the tutut!

Along the way, we caught this thai model.. HAHAHAHA

Chatuchak is really like a mega bugis.. my goodness. it's HUGE! hahah ron and i got so confused walking around.. haha and there was actually a map for it. hee.

On our way there...

In Chatuchak...

we enjoyed our lil walk to mbk after lunch from central..haha good for digestion and getta see more things than taking cab or tutut! haha we were really like tourist, snapping everything we see!

That's a "tutut"

we also managed to catch the thai girl show too.. felt a lil insecure at first cos the place appeared a lil shady. hahah. and it was kinda really disturbing!

I really enjoyed myself a lot over the 4 days in Bangkok. well, shopping was definitely fun and we love the pad thai, yummyyyy:) ! it was a really last minute trip, ron booked everything on tuesday and we flew off on friday, like 3 days later! haha but im really glad we went on this trip, had lotsa fun.. and just the two of us! :)

thanks for the birthday treat ron!

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