Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dinner with Jie Mei!

22nd May 2008

met "jie mei" for dinner today at buono, which apparently means "good" in italian. the owner was really friendly, always going around to ask ppl about the food; food was yummy; ambience was pretty good and man, it was really crowded too! on the whole, really satis with the place! :)

had a really good time catching up with him, glad to hear that he's happily attached! haha and that obviously was our conversation for the night. got a different perspective on relationship, don't get me wrong, it's something positive! hahaha that's what i like about talking to my jie mei, he definitely gives you his two cents' worth, his most honest opinion. i like what he said about mental milestones and also how two people can grow together to face the different stages in life, serving as a check on each other with their own benchmarks. haha was also quite amused by how he linked "self-fulfilling prophecy" to relationship as well. hahaha the only time i came across this was during OB (organisational behaviour) in year 1!

Before we left, the restaurant owner was serving grappa and this other drink (didn't really catch the name, sounds like herb haha) to a french family sitting at the table next to us. the restaurant owner was really kind to serve us each a small shot as well, just to let us have a taste of italian drinks. For a moment, i felt i was back at marta's uncle's place in Toronto, Canada, where we would drink and learn different language for "cheers". hAha that was part of the reason why I knew the family was french. oh man, i really miss those times we had.

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