Thursday, May 22, 2008

Yet another day of.. rotting.

20th May 2008

It has been a month since my exams ended.

What have I done so far? well, a wonderful trip to bangkok, a good break from school/work, catching up with friends and... to put it shortly, bum around. it definitely feels weird to really do nothing, feels funny to have so much time on hand when I used to squeeze time just to grab lunch. This break is slightly different from that of after A's since I am quite set on trying not to work since I'll be doing that pretty much for the rest of my life after August. heh. well, i know it's gonna sound insane but i'm quite tempted to work. hahaha oh well, having nothing to do certainly drives me crazy.

Whenever I'm asked about what I plan to do over the 4 months break, I... honestly have no idea. haha isn't that the whole point? like to take a break, rest and do whatever you like, whenever! -smile-

Oh well, despite having said that, there are a few things that I wanna do over this holidays:

1) Take time to read
2) Pick up tennis
3) Do voluntary work

yup, that's basically it. Sounds simple, but definitely needs time and consistency. I guess these are examples of things you'll have less time to do when work starts to drain the energy in you and takes up the bulk of your time.

Been reading quite a bit the past few weeks and have certainly found it enjoyable, when there's no pressure- no deadlines from projects or any impending quiz/exams. I'm just done with the book "The 5 people you meet in heaven" by Mitch Albom. have been wanting to read it like since like don't know when, but can never find the time to do it. even if i did have the time in the past, i'll probably be too tired to read. anyway, it's a pretty simple book to read, easy to follow and took me slightly less than a week to finish it- it definitely took me more time to think than to read. that's the amazing thing about this book i guess. I'm starting on "Kite Runner", heard very good reviews about it, hope it's really good!

Oh well, tennis is one sport that I can't seem play well. haha. but I gotta admit that it's certainly sth enjoyable, especially when I miraculously get the strokes right, occasionally. the times when you swing your racquet and it kinda feels right and also, sounds right. hahaha yeah so since i've the time now, i'll just spend more time playing that!

Doing voluntary work is sth i haven't done for some time. guess it's good to contribute, sth fulfilling I guess :)

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