Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The sun, the sand and the sea...

12th May 2008


4 of us met up today.. for sth real exciting!!! A trip to Sentosa! haha we had fun playing frisbee (which we realised we can't play! hee), sun-tanning and just chit chatting.

Come to think of it, I haven't been to Sentosa for quite some time. the last time i visited Sentosa was for a programme, which wasn't really for fun. And before the programme... i really can't remember. I guess that's pretty much almost more than a year since I last stepped into Sentosa. was pretty amused by the "new things" (apparently, some didn't turn out that new. wahahah shit.).

For the first time... we took pictures with the merlion! wahahhaa.

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