Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Are you above 21?

29th August 2007

Christina, as usual, was really nice to drive us out to Target to buy stuff. After which, somehow we ended up going to a package store to buy beer. didn't know that the legal age here is 21, i always thought it's 18! haha and there is also a legal age of 21 to transport alcohol too! so ks and i being eligible to buy beer, went down to the package store to buy the beer. before this Hannah, my buddy, was still rehearsing with us about what to say to the storekeeper in case he asks about why we are buying so much, at least in excess of what the two of us are able to drink. when we brought the beer into the car, i even saw the storekeeper peeking through the door to check on us and when I told Christina that, her whole face kinda turned slightly pale. haha oh well, everything worked out fine in the end. our buddies are really cute!

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