Friday, September 28, 2007


15th September 2007

ArgHhh..what is the worst that can happen to you at a bus stop? No bus stops by. What can make the worst worse? No bus stops by and you freeze yr ass off. haha when things are really bad, you thought it'll definitely get better cos it can't get worse..that's so wrong!!! or rather, it certainly didn't apply for today. I wanted to go to waverly sq partly cos i haven't been there before and i wanna see how it's like.. but turned out to be nth much, just a lil small town and the only building that takes up a reasonably significant area of the town is..a supermarket.

we went to shaw's to grab some groceries and ingredient that adam needed for his daily routine- cooking. I'm kinda spared from that cos i'm on a meal plan, but i really wished for a kitchen! should have included that in my 21st birthday wish and probably it may have come true by now :)



Yum cream cake!

They look really good.. and maybe really sweet. haha

Anw, after that we went to the shuttle bus bus stop and waited.. and waited.. and waited.. and waited.. ya you get what i mean. the bus never came. At first it wasn't too bad becos Adam and I were busy taking pictures of the place while Nina and Andrew were playing with each other as usual. haha but it really got into us after an hr..then it was almost 2 hrs! Adam tried calling Christina (his buddy who has a car) but couldn't get her. In the end, I really couldn't take it and being my impatient self, I called kevin to pick us up from watertown,which was where waverly sq was located. When kevin finally came and I got into the car, I seriously couldn't feel my nose!

The pictures we took during our unexpectedly long wait..

And gradually it started to turn dark...

And darker...

And darker...

Colder too!

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