Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Student Activities Fair

7th September 2007

Marta and i played volleyball with a group of local and exchange students specifically from Denmark and Australia at the sandy court today. we were supposed to be going to Target with the gang but we jumped off the shuttle bus to Harvard Square the very last minute cos Marta and i really felt like playing vball. felt really bad abt it. bleah. but i really really really wanna do something today like run around and play sth. wasn't even as enthu abt vball back in spore..haha (chun should know best) anw vball was fun! haha was a lil initimidated initially cos Marta and i were the only girls there throughout the whole game (there were two more initially but they left like 20 mins later) and i was literally the smallest in the group. Things turned out fine cos Nick, this international student from Russia, was really reassuring.

There was also the Student Activities Fair today, where the ccas set up booths to promote the various ccas. Marta and i were crazy enough to sign up for women's rugby here. haha just for the fun of signing up for sth! most probably i'll fly out of the field or sth. grin. but we didn't go for any trg in the end. like i was saying, it's just for the fun of it!

The Activities Fair at the greenspace

Second from the left: Rocio from Ecuador studying in Spain; Third from left: Cindy from Indonesia studying in SIM

From the left: Kristal(Hannah&Christina's housemate), Me, Hannah (My buddy), Christina(Ks's buddy)

Free ice cream for you?

we had dinner at Martin's place when they came back from Target. felt so bad again haha cos they kinda went to Target just for my coffeemaker. wahahaha. i really didn't know that they went just becos of that! bleah. my apolagies guys!

It's alr my second week here and i had yet to recover from jet lag. haha yup as usual, i'll start falling aslp at 9+ 10 and this time round, the guys (Andrew's idea and Ks the accomplice again!) took a really unglam picture of me sleeping. haha

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