Tuesday, September 4, 2007

What an eventful day!

28th August 2007

I went for a morning walk with Maurice, my friend from HKU, at around 7. The weather was sunny but cool, unlike the hot and humid weather all year round in singapore. Had a gd chat with Maurice as we walked around North campus. He's a guy with his own thoughts and opinions. haha

Later in the morning, we took a slow walk back to the main campus for breakfast. we gotta walk for about 5 minutes before we hit the main road where trees and houses line the sides of the road. The leaves were starting to turn red, marking the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.

Picture with Maurice

Sheesh. We've got quite a few adminstrative matters to attend to today. argh. and it's mostly mine. vaccination, insurance, my accomodation, laptop configuration.

so after breakfast at Seasons, we went to take our MMR vaccination. Outside the vaccination room, kevin, probably in his 70s, got us to fill in the necessary forms and made payment with him. ya.. and his first question was whether we are from china. haha. i think it's hard for them to differentiate.. well.. but after we intorducted ourselves and said that we are from singapore, he told us about his son who is a captain of a ship which sails to Singapore and that he and his wife will be going to singapore next year in October.. so that was kind of a common topic for us!
we then proceeded into the vaccination room..and the same thing happened again. the nurse who was attending to me thought i was from china and asked if i speak english. ya. haha BUT... when i said i'm from singapore, she told me she has a son who is a captain of a ship which sails to singapore! haha. ya she's kevin's wife...of the few nurses in the room, i met kevin's wife..haha so coincidental. she went on to tell me about their marriage and that singapore will be their second honeymoon! so sweet. it was really nice meeting them.

we then went up the library to get our laptops configured. met scott who was really patient with my laptop cos it is really slooowwwww. haha. i was so embarrassed when everyone was done and mine was still running and the next batch of people were already streaming into the room for the configuration.

Andrew then showed us around the library and the facilities are really good! it's 3 storeys with lots of computer terminals, reading and study area with ample power points, a very nice cafeteria and most importantly, printing is FREE!!! can you believe that.. yarh we can print whatever we want!(haha don't be jealous!) oh! they have this really cool stock trading room for students!!! yarh real money transactions. not POEMS stock challenge in which we use virtual money.(that reminds me.. i haven't started on it! shit. haha)

Outside the library, there was a freshmen convocation as it was their first day on campus. didn't know that there is such a thing as freshmen convocation..i always thought it's for graduating students. There was also an outdoor grill where we had our lunch!

The Freshmen Convocation

Andrew and I at the outdoor grill

The ice cream truck!

After all that administrative work, Ks, Andrew and I went to Harvard Square and Central Boston. supposed to meet Mauris and some other hong kong and hungarian students to go together but they got delayed at their laptop configuration session.. lucky NTU was scheduled under the first slot and we got MS 2007 updated for us! haha.

We took a shuttle bus from Miller Hall to Harvard Square where we visited Harvard Law School. haha took picture with John Harvard and his shoe which everyone who visits him will definitely touch. apparently you'll become smarter when you touch it. haha so it's a must do at Harvard!

Waiting for the shuttle at Miller

Ks and I trying to steal some of his wisdom

My intellectual look at Harvard :)

Harvard Library

After which we took a train down to Park Street and did a switch to Copley. The buildings in Boston are really gorgeous. With its rich history, Boston is very much a cultural centre of New England, one the most historically significant cities in the states.

At Newbury Street

Ks and Andrew in Boston Common

Ks and I at in the Boston Common

Andrew also brought us to both Copley Place and Prudential Centre which are like our Paragon and Takashimaya. hahaha more like Paragon.

We took a walk down Boylston Street where we arrived at Chinatown. went to buy chinese groceries at this china supermarket and had a nice shabu dinner at this japanese restaurant. haha ks and i were saying that it appears more like a steamboat to us cos it very much works like one. basically we dipped the raw meat into the boiling soup, which we had two choices-kim chi and original i think, in two separate compartments.. (all of us preferred the kim chi one so didn't really take notice of the other one) haha. yup it was a happy meal!

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