Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Drive-In Movie!

31st August 2007
After BOBA tea at Boston, we went for the drive-movie at night which was at the Greenspace opposite Boylston (ya that's where I'm staying right now!). There was this huge screen set up in the middle of the field, something like movie under the stars, with a few mobile stalls parked at the sides. There was also this monster-looking station set up for laser tag but we were kinda lazy to queue for it..or rather we were more interested in the food! haha we had the fried dough with icing sugar, it's super sinful but it tastes quite gd! After that we went to queue for dipping dots which are like little ice cream balls :) I had chocolate chips cookie dough and it's really yummy!

Fried dough with icing sugar

In front of the fried-dough van

Dipping dots in the drizzle!

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