Saturday, September 15, 2007

Dinner with Bill & Judy

3rd September 2007

Marta, Martin, Nina, Andrew and I played tennis today. The tennis court is about 5 mins walk from Boylston and we can see the courts from our room. so it's really convenient. yup and it was cool and sunny as usual. my first time playing tennis in this kinda weather. It was nice, getta work out but don't feel that sticky. And Marta taught me how to serve! haha.

After tennis, the whole group of us were invited for dinner at Bill and Judy's place. We were kinda skeptical at first since we really have no idea who Judy was, except the fact that Martin met her randomly along the streets and we ended up having dinner at her place on a Labour Day evening. Bill is her husband, who is a MIT research scientist. One of their family friends, Angela, was also over at their place.

Perhaps it's the nature of their jobs (Bill is a MIT research scientist/professor and Judy used to teach i think), we first had an introduction session, somewhat like an interactive group, at the balcony. we even had with our names written on stickers and pasted on our shirts for easy identification. haha. Dinner itself was good, really sumptuous. Bill even took out at least 8 different types of tea, both Chinese and English, so that we had a range to choose from.

Us @ Dinner
From my left in the picture: Martin, Andrew, Nina, Marta, Adam, Cindy, Maurice, Judy & Bill

Before we left, the couple gave us an A4-szed photo each, which we selected from 3 of their albums. They are mainly pictures of sceneries, of the different places where they have travelled to. I picked a picture of Norway, since that's Judy's hometown. I thought that would be a nice souvenir to bring home with me. :)

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