Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Culture shock?

28th August 2007

Went to look for Barbara, the lady in-charge of immigration, for a new DS today. At first I was still kinda worried that Barbara will be unhappy about how I forgot to bring my original DS and how I have to trouble her write one for me again, like what we'll experience in singapore sometimes. but things turn out a lot better than I've expected. Barbara is this lady in her 50s really nice, very motherly and encouraging. She processed my DS on the spot and sent it to the immigration authority immediately for me while i sat in her office doing nth. she even made a copy for me which bears her signature, in case I need it for anything else related to immigration again since she was sending the original one she just processed to the authority.

After the DS was done, i had a gd time chatting with Barbara who was telling me that the school is planning a trip to new york united nations which is like a really rare opportunity! haha kinda excited about it, hopefully it materialises. Gotta say that she's really concerned about students, especially the ones on exchange. haha and before i left, she pulled me towards her and kissed me on both my cheeks! haha I was really stunned. didn't know how to react, what to say but felt really touched. haha not bcos she kissed me but the way she deal with things.. esp my DS ;)


hermitzzz said...

teehee. reminds me of ur mom somehow.might be dropping by ur place on monday. collected ur nbs pix already. wad u think ur mom will need ah?

scatterbrain said...

wahhh gonna visit my mum arh... so nice! ehhh dun think she'll need anything.. maybe just go eat breakfast with her or sth.. wahahahaha

hermitzzz said...

X_x breakfast argh~~~a little early nia~~~haha.will try ba!