Sunday, September 16, 2007

My First Day In School!

4th September 2007

My first day in school was pretty good, not too bad a start :) The classes at Bentley last for an hour 15 mins which compared to NTU, is damn slack. good for me! haha. but it's quite surprising how much the professors can cover in class, definitely comparable to classes back in NTU. ya maybe NTU can change the periods to an hour or sth. lol.

The first professor I met in my 8.30 Financial Statement Auditing class was Thibodeau. I think I'm really lucky cos apparently the seniors taking this class fought really hard to be in his class and all I have to do was to email Christine that I wanted this slot when I was back in Singapore. totally had no idea that he's a good professor and even wrote the textbook for Financial Statement Auditing. yup something like NEJ. haha. Thibodeau's really enthusiastic and passionate about teaching and he coaches a football team. ya he's kinda big and looks quite fit. talks abt his family in class, esp his wife whom he dedicated the auditing book to since they met each other in class back in college. I think the most important reason why I like him is the fact that he's one of the only two professors who bothered to pronounce my name properly and made the extra effort to check if he did it correctly so that it sounds the way it's supposed to be. haha anyway i'm known as Hui (Hwee) here, no Huiyi for 4 months.

The other professor who bothered abt my name was Hayward, this funny guy who talks at a super high pitch in class and wears like those lil artist hat to class. He's my Alternative Dispute Resolution professor, who gets really dramatic especially when we come to cases. Whenever he mentions injury/death (since we mention that quite a bit in law classes plus all the remedies and crap), his facial expression changes immediately. he'll open his mouth and eyes suddenly to give the i'm-so-freaking-shocked-look. ya and he'll keep it there for at least 2 seconds (occasionally he'll cover his mouth with his hand) before continuing the case. hahaha he's really comical and i look at him more than i listen to him in class.

The third class I had today.. i fell asleep. hahah on the first day of school. I think Manalova must be really mad at me since i was sitting in the first row and i fell asleep right in front of her. probably not a very good start for Strategic Management class but well, i really couldn't control it.. it was kinda boring and i just had lunch. Siesta!!! haha learnt that from Antonio and Marta. It means afternoon nap in Spanish. and when Manalova asked the class to write 3 things that I wanna achieve for this module, I wrote "Make friends, do well and try not to fall asleep in class" I think she's gonna be really mad at me. lol.

Courses for Fall Semester:
1. Financial Statement Auditing
2. Strategic Mangement
3. Alternative Dispute Resolution in Business
4. Global Cyber Law
5. Marketing Law for the Cyberage

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