Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Visit to MIT & Charles River

5th September 2007

I was supposed to have a double evening class today until 7.20pm. At the same time, there was a outdoor concert @ the Dome along Charles River. As usual, the indecisive me took ages to choose between following my heart or my head. haha ya i guess it's pretty obvious cos I started my entry by saying "I was supposed to.." haha yup so eventually I found myself watching sunset at Charles River, which I totally nv regretted skipping class at all. GRIN.

Bill and Judy were very kind to pick us up from Bently again and brought us around MIT. was very amused with some of the MIT buildings cos they really looked distorted, but kinda artistic as well. According to Judy, these buildings are apparently visitor's attraction in Massachusetts. Subsequently, we went into these buildings and my goodness, i was so dizzy after that. hahah the interior designs of these MIT buildings were pretty unique, it felt more like a art media design school than a computer-science faculty!

MIT Buildings

Seminar rooms

Lecture theatre

Open concept work environment!


The drive to the Dome was less than 15 mins from MIT. The green space in front of the Dome (which I then realised was the stage) was really crowded with people having picnics and getting ready for the concert. Bill and Judy were once again really thoughtful as they brought lil chairs, lots of jackets and food for all of us. The whole group of us took a walk along Charles River and the sunset was beautiful. Looking across Charles River, the red hues of the sky had an orange glow to it as the sun gradually disappeared below the horizon and there were lil sailboats dotting the river at a distance. omg. this sounds like what i would write in my sec sch essay.. but it really looks like that. haha. well, a picture speaks a thousand words so just see the picture below yrself! Anw it was nice standing along the river, serene and calm.. and i felt so at ease. haha was kinda hoping that loh ming yao was ard to watch it with me. haha not that i wasn't enjoying the company I had at that time, our O.L.D group was great! but it's really so pretty that you wanna do it with someone really special? :)

The concert @ the Dome was a classical music performance and it was the last outdoor concert @ the Dome for the summer, which kinda marked the end of season since it's gonna get too cold to do that anymore. ya classical music.. boring? lullaby? you'll be surprised by the spontaneity of the audience especially at the end. it was overwhelming..like a pop music concert. haha well, i really enjoyed my evening and yup.. definitely worth pon-ing class! grin.

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