Monday, October 1, 2007

MJ @ North Campus and Jarrod's party!

15th September 2007

After the traumatizing experience at Shaw's, I was really hoping that my night would be better and.. indeed it was! we played mj!!!!! haven't touched mj tiles for ages and I really miss playing that! As usual there were poker and frisbie..ya we throw frisbie in the room! haha

All of us!

Cindy, Marta and I were also invited to Jarrod's ABC party that night. Nope it's not american born chinese.. it's Anything But Clothes! WHAT???!!! yeah that was my first reaction too! yup we were told that clothes were not allowed in his party and we gotta wear something. yarh bedsheet, trashbag, nothing.. whatever. haha well..the three of us, while we would very much like to play according to the theme, decided to stick to our shirt and jeans. I know it's boring and I know it's fun to be adventurous... but I need my clothes on!!!!! haha anyway when we went there, not everyone was "dressed" according to Jarrod's theme. so it wasn't so bad! haha yeah but it was really fun, my first ever ABC party!

The ABC Party!

The Birthday Boys!

Jarrod (on the left) & his brother
yeah they are twin brothers!

Jarrod & me!

Cind & Jarrod!

Cindy, me, Marta

Marta & me!

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