Thursday, October 4, 2007

International Cuisine

27th September 2007

I have always been aware that cooking is a tiring thing to do, but I never knew that it is that tiring. Well, I have tried cooking in Singapore but most of the time, there's always my mummy to help me with it, be it with the buying of ingredients or the cooking itself or the most painful part- the washing and clearing up of the kitchen mess. I always had a share of the fun part of cooking itself but not the aftermath of it. For this international cuisine, I experienced every single bit of this process, from going to the supermarket to buy the ingredients, lugging them back to Bentley, all the cooking and washing.. Although I had frens who did the shopping, cooking and cleaning with me (that explains why the dish turned out decent haha), I must still say that cooking isn't really that easy at all and most importantly, I realised how great our mothers are becos they gotta repeat this entire tiring process, singlehandedly, almost everyday! Yup so thanks mum!

Anyway, International Cuisine is this event organised by Andrew Innocent who is one of the IBNs (IBN=International Buddy Network; basically for all the exchange students here we each have a buddy to take care of us, especially the first few weeks) and all of us gotta cook a dish representative of our country. well... Ks, Cindy and I totally had no idea what to cook at first! Rojak? Hokkien mee? Carrot Cake? hahaha yeah probably we'll screw up if we attempt any of those and will most likely end up buying something from the cafe..haha. Well...luckily for us, kiasu me brought pastes from Singapore! hee. Thought it'll be good to bring them so that my frens and I, be it whether they've tried before, will getta taste some Asian Food! so... i brought exactly 4 packets! must for each month! haha yup yup we ended up using one of the curry pastes and we cooked Indian curry! It turned out to be quite good and our frens, especially those who have yet to try curry before liked them! (maybe cos they haven't tried real curry before.. haha just kiddin! I trust our cooking skills! -smile-)

Andrew Innocent & Me!!!

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