Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Trip to Martha's Vineyard

22th September 2007

We woke up really early today cos we gotta catch the bus at 7. As usual, Marta and I were the few of those who reached later. not late. we were on time! hahah. it's really an achievement cos we woke up at 6.30! (or rather Marta got out of bed at 6.45 to be specific. haha) Anw the trip to Martha's Vineyard was a really long one, gotta take the bus then the ferry. we left Bentley at abt 7.15am and finally got to Martha's Vineyard, specifically Vineyard Haven, at 11 plus.

At the harbour...

yAy we are taking the ferry!!!

The view on board before setting off

The group of us



Alix and I trying to take pictures of the riders behind her.. hahaha

After about an hour on the ferry, we finally got to Oaks Bluff!!! At first I thought the travelling part had come to an end but no.. we still gotta take a bus to Vineyard Haven which was our destination for the trip. omg. haha

Adam & I at Oaks Bluff Terminal

Pictures of Oaks Bluff



Vi & I @ the Memorial Stone

While waiting for the bus to Vineyard Haven...

Down the rocks behind the bus stop and onto the beach!

Lunch @ Vineyard Haven Marina

At the back of the restaurant...

Going around Vineyard Haven...

Stone Church

Vineyard Playhouse

Before we got on the ferry back to Bentley, the group of riders Alix and I saw on the ferry earlier in the day our way to Martha's Vineyard was hanging around the harbour. We took our chance to take a proper picture with them and the guy in the picture even offered to let us ride on his Harley Davidson! I didn't manage to go on it though cos there was no time.. boo. But glad that we took a pic with him! :)

haha as usual the focus wasn't on us in this pic..

After a tiring day... :)

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