Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Hiking @ New Hampshire

20th Ocotber 2007

Martin's sister's friend who brought us to the apple farm the previous time brought a few of us to Monadnock State Park in New Hampshire today. I was expecting hiking.. like... hiking at MacRitchie or Bukit Timah Hill. haha. But no, it was really a hike hike, like another Outward Bound Korea. There were really rocky slopes and people there were all geared up in proper hiking shoes and hiking sticks.. Well, I was wearing my converse shoes, which was totally not appropriate but what to do. haha didn't expect this at all. We also had three adorable kids (who were 4, 6 and 8 years old) with us and to be honest, I was seriously impressed with them. Not that they could climb up the rocks themselves.. but throughout the entire hike, I did not hear a single complaint from them at all. And there were times when they slipped and fell but they didn't cry when you expected them to. Really impressed.

On our way down Mount Monadnock, I slid down a huge rock which I didn't expect to be so.. steep. intended to slide down slowly by braking against the uneven surfaces but it turned out that I lost control totally cos it was too smooth. haha. luckily Marta was at the end to catch me..if not I would have seriously just slide off the slope and crashed into the rocks below.

haha thrilling experience!

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