Thursday, October 4, 2007

My First Football Match!

What do I have to say about my first football match?

It was great.

haha. It was against Assumption and I went to watch it with Marta, who is probably one of the few girls here who shares the same sports frequency as me! Anw, it was really happening, packed with supporters from the two schools and since it was a game on home ground, Bentley had obviously more people on our side of the grandstand.

Bentley also gave the students incentives to watch the game:


Of course it's a really good deal! so Marta and I were desperately trying to find a staff around main campus after our volleyball game with Nick and gang.. yeah which was like totally impossible on a friday evening! While we were trying to figure out a way to find one, we saw the campus police. -SMILE- hahaha yeah that was how crazy the two of us were..approach the campus police to go get a free pullover with us at a football match! We thought we were the only two smarties around but we were so wrong.. they told us some Bentley students had already grabbed them there and they were already back from the distribution of pullovers at the field!!!! !!!! !!!! haha. It was really crazy. When we reached lower campus where the football field was, Marta was really funny. She was practically approaching all the professors-look-alike people to ask if they work in Bentley.

Hmmm, you must be wondering what's this whole big thing about a pullovers right? Well, if we were to buy a pull-over in the school bookshop, it would cost like at least 60USD? tt converts to be about 90 plus SGD.. and people were aware that the pull-over is expensive so they "reserved" their professors way before the match and some even got the cafeteria staff to come! haha. see kiasu-ism is not a Singapore thing, it's a global trend! ha. I was really lucky cos I managed to find a accounts office staff whom I had been bugging for my I got a sweatshirt for FREE!!! yayyyyy!!! Although the size is really too big for me (by the time I managed to grab hold of a staff and get a pullover the sizes left were L and XL), I'm still happy cos I can always give it to Ron or Di.. whoever can fit!

Yup so that was the pre-match excitement.. to grab somebody before others to get a pull-over for free! haha. The match itself was also very exciting cos it was a really tight game. At half time, the score was 13-13 and there were also the cheerleaders as well as this cute lil blue Falcon to hype up the crowd. I was really amused by the facial expressions of the cheerleaders.. haha really know the typical look with their mouths wide open and they would blink really hard as they nod their heads? The lil blue Falcon would also do its part by stamping its foot at a constant rhythm and we would follow his beat in stamping our feet against the metal floor. With a metal grandstand, the effect was really loud. Yup put it simply..spontaneous crowd, great atmosphere!

At the football match

The "Little" Blue Falcon & me!

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