Friday, October 26, 2007

Cambridge Galleria

26th October 2007

Shopping shopping shopping! The two Cindys, Roci and I went to Cambridge Galleria today to see if we can get some winter clothings. I didn't get anything in the end, didn't see anything I like..haha. So everybody else got something except me. Boo. but it was nice walking around, shopping with the rest of them :)

Besides shopping, we also had get a clue of what Cindy from Shanghai likes becos we were supposed to buy a birthday present for her. The whole group of us were gonna celebrate her birthday later at night. so Roci, Cindy from Sing/Indo and I were testing her reaction on things..accessories, clothes, shoes blah blah blah. It was funny and Roci could do it really well! Actress of the year!

Roci JLo Roci?

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