Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Clubbing @ Rumour

13th October 2007

Let's go clubbing! That's what we have been saying for the past one month and we finally did it tonight. haha after such a long time.. went with Pia, Elizabeth, Bernd, Daniel, Roci and Marta and it was fun! haha. Great company and good music. (they played a bit of techno though.. gives me headache haha)

Marta, Roci and I were crazy enough to dance on the platform! wahaha i mean nobody knows us there.. actually there may be people we do know since we saw quite a number of familiar faces from Bentley but what the heck, we just went up! When I was on the platform, this crazy guy grabbed my leg, to be specific my calf. And Of course my first reaction was.. wth wtf what the argh!!!! I don't even know you and you touched me! basket. haha. i couldnt really see him in the dark but he looked kinda punkie to me. punkie-looking guy? that's of cos a no no..just not appealing at all. when he first offered me his hand, I was also kinda confused becos he looked as if he wanted a high~5 from me. So try to imagine, I was on the platform, he was on the dance floor and instead of offering his hand with his palm facing up (that should be the way to get a girl to dance with you! that's more gentlemanly!), he showed me his palm. haha. it's really stupid, got me so damn confused. When I realised that he wanted to dance with me, that again, of cos, is another no no no.. haha.

Bernd & Daniel

Roci, Pia & me

Our Austrian Friends!

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