Monday, October 1, 2007

Our lil chat

There was an optional lesson on the Legal Systems and Jurisdiction as well as a consultation session for our essay topic for Global IT law mid-term paper today, so instead of the usual 3.35-4.50 pm class, J. Aresty, our Prof for the course, conducted classes earlier at 2.15pm. Basically, it was meant for people who were interested in consulting him for the course, about their law paper topic. Well, honestly, I didn't prepare anything for the optional session and having the usual singaporean mentality, I just wanted to go there, listen and hopefully pick something up.

I was slightly late for class and I reached about 2.25pm. ya and guess what? My prof was the only one in class and it was so awkward becos he saw me outside class before I could run away. So.. I ended up being the only student in class. ya and i was trying really hard to walk slowly into class and at the same time, come up with something. just like...something to ask him. haha.

Well, the moment I sat down and before I could say anything, J started asking me questions. "what paper topic are you thinking about? what have you prepared? What do you have to consult me?" Nope, these are not the questions he posted me. Instead, he asked about me. Like whether I'm adapting cos he knows that I'm an exchange student and yup we had a really nice chat about family, studies, work and he even went to the extent of explaining the different US law to me. yup, it was a really nice chat which lasted about half an hour before this girl from my class came in. But I was glad we had that lil chatting session tog and I kinda like his classes now. :)

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