Thursday, October 4, 2007

Trip to the Apple Farm!

29th September 2007

Martin's sister's friend, Eileen, brought some of us to the apple farm today. It's a really huge farm (maybe I haven't been to one, tt's why it seems really big to me! haha sounds so sua ku..) and we went around using the tram. Yup, we could just pluck the apples off the tree and eat them on the spot. We couldn't bring them back with us though, I mean we could.. just gotta pay for them. haha so eat as much as possible inside! I tried some of the Asian Pears but they kinda taste different from what we have back at home, much softer and a lot more juicier..I still prefer the lil fragrant pears in singapore :)

My First Apple!

Eileen and her children, Bryan and Anna

Along one of the many rows of apple trees

My First Asian Pear!

The Children's Play Area, with lil animal corners and playground!

At the U Pick Center
It's both the entrance and exit of the apple farm where we buy the tickets and pay for the apples and pears if we want to bring them out of the farm. We got some apples and asian pears for Marta and Maurice, who didn't manage to come with us cos they have exams and assignments due the following week.

In the car after apple farm

We drove past a liquor store which had free wine tasting, some sort of opening specials people who are 21 and above in our group (like me! WooHoo!) took the opportunity to try all the free wine! haha. Well, only Martin, Adam and I were eligible (Cindy could have gone in too, but she didn't wanna to) so we went in while the rest who are underaged (haha!) just waited outside and talked to Cindy's friend who happened to be staying nearby. It was really fun trying out the wine and acting like we know something about them wahaha. I bought this white wine after going around to taste the different wine and it cost me 10 USD. Adam bought mango malibu for about 20 USD, thought they were really worth it! grin.

In the liquor store

This shop next to the liquor store, the display's really cool huh!

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