Saturday, September 1, 2007

Leaving Singapore

26th August 2007
The moment I was back from hk, the fact that I'll be leaving for the states in a few days time kinda hit me. It was really a mad rush buying all the last minute stuff, settling my insurance with kk, meeting up with friends and also staying at home! Haha. Well...but i nv regretted going to hongkong w loh ming yao ;) Really thankful to my family (esp my mum) who helped me get things done esp when I was in hk, my friends who compromised with my tight schedule and the lil gifts which I brought along for this trip..lastly, not to forget loh ming yao who practically helped me pack my whole luggage haha.

I kinda gave another round of heart attack to my family and ron at the airport when I forgot to bring with me the original DS-2019, i only had the photocopied one with me, somehow. It's this really important immigration document (which I was totally not aware of at first) that got me stuck at both the spore and us immigration. The singapore side wasn't that much of a problem, the officer was really helpful and I was lucky cos the airline was willing to let me through.

My first stop was Tokyo-Narita, Japan after a 7 hours flight. It was a pretty quick transit, thought could go walk around more and try the ramen or sth.wahah. oh! and i met Mabel whom I haven't met since we graduated from Nanyang girls. oh man the world's really small, she was all along on the same flight as me! yup Mabel's going to canada for a law exchange programme which is over two semesters. that's a year away from home. sob.

Continuing to eat and sleep on the plane, I arrived at Detroit after 11 hours with a semi-conscious head. At Detroit, I wasn't as lucky with my photocopied DS. The officer was really pissed off that I didn't bring my original DS and brought me into the detention room where I waited for at least an hour. was pretty scary at first but got better cos i met someone from singapore! haha this indo guy called beer from nus going to canada for exchange..he's really funny cos he has no idea why he was called into the detention room for questioning. Yup and after a long wait the officer finally talked to me again. he turned out to be quite nice..explained to me rather patiently and made me fill in more forms. Didn't know it was gonna be so troublesome..bleah should have checked my documents..but there were so many of them!!! Anw, was really tempted to take a picture with him before i leave but i guessed better case he detains me for another hour. haha

In the airport express tram, Detroit.

yup managed to open my eyes big and found my way to the gate where ks was waiting for me. hahah he told me he had the time to go around and look for me, take the tram and went back to sit at the waiting gate again. yup that was how long i was stuck in the detention room. haha but then again, if i hadn't forgotten my DS, I wouldn't have had such an exciting immigration experience. hahaha. what a way to put it.

At the airport, Detroit.

oh no i'm still on my first day blogging about all the flights and transits. haha. imagine how long the entire journey was for me to have so much to say abt it! ya after a domestic flight from detroit to boston, i finally got to logon airport after 26 hours! haha i survived the crazy flights!!!

Christina, Ks's buddy, came to fetch us at the airport. Really glad she came cos the airport is really farrrr from school! She's a really helpful girl, had a nice chat with her on our way to Bentley. We kinda got lost for quite some time cos it's Christina's second time driving to the airport and she only just started driving ard Massachusetts. yah she got a car think long ago but there's this really stupid rule in school, that freshment can't drive on campus so she didn't get to use her car when she was in first year. now that she's a sophomore, she's able to drive ard but gotta familarize with the roads.

We went to the campus police to collect our temporary ID cards which will give us access to our dorms. Hannah, my buddy, joines us shortly after we got onto the campus. went to ks's apartment first and it's really nice!!! he has his own bathroom with a huge bath tub! so jealous. haha my room is so much more lok kok than his, really really lok kok. oh man i can't wait to change my room. sigh. looking at the conditions of my room, Christina and Hannah offered to let me crash their room for the night. so paiseh gotta trouble them again. their apartment is very cosy, i guess cos they've moved in quite a bit of their things and their housemates were friendly people. haha drank a bit with them and they were explaining all the drinking games to me. haha and this was only my first night.

1 comment:

hermitzzz said...

hahaha!!!you r really a scatterbrain nia. but i agree with you, the immgration was a fun experience, though you are darn lucky nothing serious happened. haha. hope the rest of ur trip is as fun but less heart stopping. haha. take care of urself by the way.

and i'm ur roomy in case u dint noe.lolz