Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Welcome to Bentley!

27th August 2007

The first activity for the day was breakfast at Cronin International Centre where we met the rest of the exchange students and international relations staff. On the way to Cronin, we gotta know the people from Denmark as they took a lift at North Campus from Christina, who was really nice to pick us up and drive us to Cronin. At Cronin, we met the HKU students and also a fellow Singaporean, Michael, who is taking the undergrduate programme in Bentley! haha but he hasn't gone back to spore for the last 7 years if I remember correctly, i think he stayed in shanghai instead. Still..we met another singaporean!! hahaha it's really nice to know that there's another person around to lah, lor and leh with you. haha and we also finally saw Christine in person. We have been emailing each other ever since we know we were coming to Bentley about adminstrative matters. She's one approachable and helpful lady :)

The view of North campus from ks's room

After breakfast, we spent the whole morning listening to the administrative talks. yup basically the supposedly helpful but boring stuff. haha the only exciting part was to stand up in front of everybody in the entire auditorium and introduce yrself! haha which was when I realised that people now see you as a Singaporean and not only huiyi as an identity. it's not like in singapore where you can do or say whatever you want.. I mean we can here.. but no matter what, others' impression of Singapore does depend on us in a way cos, we are the only two exchange students representing Singapore here.

In the afternoon, Christina drove us to Target, which is this huge mall that sells everything. haha didn't really know what to get there bcos i wanted a switch, outta my lok kok room. haha managed to get my cell phone done at T-Mobile, this service provider which yy told us about. haha. yup the people here rarely msg each other, they call most of the time. Oh! and i saw the gap outlet near T-mobile but didn't getta go in cos we were in a big group so wasn't really nice to hold up everyone cos of me. haha but i'll make sure i'll go there again!

Dinner was at Adamian Centre and the portions were really huge. Ks and I didn't wanna trouble Christina to send us back to north campus again after dinner so we suggested that we go back there ourselves. ks and i visited the library but it was closed. took pictures with the falcon which is the Bentley symbol. Apparently it is a new falcon cos the old one was saw off by other college students after losing a basketball match. what idiots.

Me with the falcon!

The walk back to North Campus takes about 20-25 minutes from the main campus but we took almost an hour to get back cos we lost our way and ended up at this really secluded car park. It was like 9 plus 10 and only being in the states for like a day, we really didn't know what to do at that time especially for me after hearing all the stories about how we shouldnt go out at night..let alone getting lost! hahah so....we called the campus police! haha come to think of it now it's really a joke. In Bentley, there are these little stations with blue light at the top for students to call for help.. when they feel unsafe..like us. haha yeah but the police officer thought we were driving (since we were lost at the car park) and started giving us directions on how to drive there and told us how it's really impossible to get lost since Bentley is not very big or complicated. haha he sounds kinda impatient so we didn't ask further and started walking again. we walked along this road leading to north campus with occasional road lamps lighted at the sides. the cars zoomed past us from the back as we were walking with the traffic flow and stories on how a van will stop by the road side and drag you in started to run in my mind. haha see la hs! tell me this kinda story.. haha yarh but in the end it was perfectly fine we got back safe and sound.


hermitzzz said...

-giggles- you have such a wild imagination. got it from me is it? lolz

scatterbrain said...

hor? it's really scary at that time ok?!!!